Imagine Peter, Paul nd Mary transformed, complete with tight harmonies and anti-war messages, into Petra, Paula and Mry. If you can imagine this transformation, you can pictury Near, Pat Humphries and Sandy O, also known as Holly Near and emma’s revolution.
Holly Near alone has been a vocal musical part of the Social Justice movement since I was very young (so young I didn’t know what that meant, but I was listening to “Puff the Magic Dragon”). She has been one of the leading voices of the women’s music scene and can be found at equal rights rallies and anti-war protests all up and down the Americas.
Emma’s revolution have beautiful lyrics and flawless harmonies in pretty much anything they sing. Pat Humphries is a talented singer/songwriter, but when paired with Sandy O, her wife and singing partner, their music makes me want to dance and sing all the way to the Revolution!
These three amazingly talented women have released a new CD together (oops-I almost wrote “album”) called “We Came to Sing!” Listening to this collection, you would think they had perfected their style over years of performances together, but other than at the occasional peace rally, their time in the studio was really their first time coming together. Holly said all she had to do was tell Pat and Sandy what she wanted to do, then they would go off into a corner and whisper. They would come back with amazing harmonies to her second soprano voice. Often, Sandy was harmonizing above Holly while Pat harmonized a base line in her smooth alto, sandwiching Holly’s voice in a luscious bread of sound.
I had the pleasure and honor of getting to see the three of them sing together live. I highly recommend this concert if you can catch them in their last few appearances across the country. I think their last gig on the tour is November 2ne or 3rd.
There was not one mediocre song in the entire concert, and, I must say of both their concert performance and their recorded version of “Study War No More”, I have never heard white folks sing that song so heartfelt. I felt it from my pinky toenail to the cowlick on the crown of my head. And, if you loved Holly’s version of “Sky Dances,” your breath will be swept away on musical winds when you hear Emma’s Revolution add their harmonies to Holly’s.
You can check either of their websites for scheduling information or to buy their lovely CD: or . I believe you can also buy the CD through the websites, or you can go to goldenrod Music’s website at where you can find not just Holly and emma’s revolution, but a whole mess of amazing artists and groups, including all of my favorites: Sweet Honey in the Rock, Libana, Lucie Blue Tremblay, Libby Roderick, Ubaka Hill, Chris Williamson and hundreds, maybe even thousands more of my favorites-many of which I have yet to hear!
A blog about moving forward on Life's weird, mindful path. Musings on spirituality, politics, gardening, food, goofy pets and whatever else comes to mind. Feel free to make this a conversation instead of a monologue by adding comments.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Life is a Jumble of Rumbles
I just looked at the date of my last post and feel guilty. So much has happened over the past couple of weeks that I just haven't had the time or the heart to write. This is a very non inspirational entry, just so you are prepared. I'm just going to give a very quick run-down on my past couple of weeks.
The good news is that I have now been officially cancer free for two years!!! The bad news is that I can't get my port out for three more months due to they found some slightly enlarged lymph nodes that they want to re check but aren't too concerned about.
My friend Charlie from work died suddenly. My friend Eva died after a long battle with pain and a long 95 year life. Another friend went into the hospital, then came home from the hospital to a life much changed. I am getting a 2.5 percent pay cut, and my differed comp is no longer being matched by my employer. Waiting to see which other shoe is going to be thrown at us. I am having trouble getting motivated for school even though I really like both of my classes this semester.
So, sadly, I am short on humor and on inspiration these days. I appologize. I'll be back soon. I have, however, been trying to update the local events calendar as I hear of things, so check it out over there to the right!
The good news is that I have now been officially cancer free for two years!!! The bad news is that I can't get my port out for three more months due to they found some slightly enlarged lymph nodes that they want to re check but aren't too concerned about.
My friend Charlie from work died suddenly. My friend Eva died after a long battle with pain and a long 95 year life. Another friend went into the hospital, then came home from the hospital to a life much changed. I am getting a 2.5 percent pay cut, and my differed comp is no longer being matched by my employer. Waiting to see which other shoe is going to be thrown at us. I am having trouble getting motivated for school even though I really like both of my classes this semester.
So, sadly, I am short on humor and on inspiration these days. I appologize. I'll be back soon. I have, however, been trying to update the local events calendar as I hear of things, so check it out over there to the right!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Parting the Red Sea of History
(Written on October1, 2009)
The other night, someone was telling me a cute story about his very young son and his bible study class. The part that struck me is that he tells his kid that “Jesus parted the Red Sea.” How does that make any sense to anyone? This person believes and teaches his son that Jesus and Moses were both truly historical figures, and that the bible is incontrovertible historical fact. If he truly believes that, how on Earth can he say that Jesus parted the Red Sea? Moses lived a couple thousand years before Jesus, didn’t he?
How could Jesus part the red sea?
This guy said that they say that Jesus parted the Red Sea in order to simplify matters, and that it would be too complicated to explain the distinction to a little kid. Heck, it’s too complicated to explain to me and the trinity shared our dinner table when I was growing up.
Wouldn’t telling your kid that Jesus parted the Red Sea be kind of like telling your kid that Martin Luther King Jr. campaigned for Barak Obama? Or that today’s Republican Tea Baggers started the American Revolution when they protested paying taxes to the American British?
The other night, someone was telling me a cute story about his very young son and his bible study class. The part that struck me is that he tells his kid that “Jesus parted the Red Sea.” How does that make any sense to anyone? This person believes and teaches his son that Jesus and Moses were both truly historical figures, and that the bible is incontrovertible historical fact. If he truly believes that, how on Earth can he say that Jesus parted the Red Sea? Moses lived a couple thousand years before Jesus, didn’t he?
How could Jesus part the red sea?
This guy said that they say that Jesus parted the Red Sea in order to simplify matters, and that it would be too complicated to explain the distinction to a little kid. Heck, it’s too complicated to explain to me and the trinity shared our dinner table when I was growing up.
Wouldn’t telling your kid that Jesus parted the Red Sea be kind of like telling your kid that Martin Luther King Jr. campaigned for Barak Obama? Or that today’s Republican Tea Baggers started the American Revolution when they protested paying taxes to the American British?